Jon Baturin “Tama Triptych” December 6, 2006 to January 14, 2007

Jon Baturin is an Associate Professor at York University in Toronto. He has spent much of the last decade investigating ideological constructs and the formation of dogmatic systems as they relate to notions of Truth. British Cultural Historian, John Calcutt, has located those concerns as “…Truth, Justice, Power, and Identity.” To be entirely accurate these investigations should be seen as sub-sets of the notion of “Hope” which has been the locus, whether the projects appear as mediated critiques of political systems or as collaborative works, which envision social change. The phrase “ideology of care” best defines this broad philosophic position. Baturin is presently working on a series of new collaborative projects which deal with gender, identity, and the visual manifestations of his collaborator’s notions of wellness and loss. His research projects can be found in the following websitse:

The work Jon_Tama Triptych is an excerpt from The Tama “Tapestry” / Tama “Trees” cycle. Each Tama in the series has eulogistic overtones. Each portrays a friend – in contemplation, grief (or death). Each image-based structure continues investigations into personal memory – not from an “impossible objectivity” but from a more “realistic truth” – the confluence of the many subjective activities, events, images, thoughts and perceptions that arise from a specific point in time. Aspects of chaos confusion and visual manifestations of ‘noise” are part of that truth.